Saturday, December 13, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
How Cervical Mucus Look Like
quite humorous and promoting self-supply to avoid the black market that feeds the mafia is the link where these guys put a program every month or so.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Creatine 189 And Superpump Together?
was as always wasting my time on facebook and other nonsense answer when I realized I had an invitation to participate in an application that is called cause and that is therefore basically you publish a casued by which people want to fight, and precisely on the cause to which I was invited is
task I leave
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Whiteheads Inside Labia
only increase availability and number of addicts: Peak Center
Xalapa, Veracruz, 10 Nov (Notimex) .- The General Director of the Centre for Addictions Peak, Dalia Elena Landa Santibanez, considered that legalizing marijuana is a setback to combat addiction.
considered that the proposal to legalize marijuana is misplaced because the cases of alcohol and snuff, socially accepted drug, are an example that this measure does not reduce consumption, and, on the contrary, it opens the door to the use of other drugs.
mentioned that during the last National Survey of Addictions, 2008, statistics showed a potential increase in consumption, especially an extension to a younger audience and an expansion to the female gender.
In this context, Landa Santibanez considered approved after no-smoking law that bans smoking in public places, the action of legalizing marijuana would be a setback in the fight against addiction.
argued that legalizing marijuana the government would be sending a message of permissiveness that youth interpreted as an approval by the authorities to consume this product. Landa
Santibanez estimated that legalizing marijuana would be people on the street, causing the accessibility of the product, so it can be easily acquired by another person.
thus noted that it must withdraw the proposal, because it showed that it is not effective in curbing drug use.
I think this note.
pendeja This lady is well ....
part of "special places to eat" did not understand? think that those who consume marijuana does not work or study in college? people dedicated to smoke pot all fucking day doing nothing of benefit to society is the product of the thinking of this woman, you educate forbid but that lack of education causes social ills that people mentioned habemos like this plant and we have family and work in a range in age from 20 to 60 years, it is time to put it bluntly, to exercise the free right to use what nature gives us to think differently live without prejudices and do not be fooled by opportunists as well as the dogs, there are proposals to legalizarna other parties including the Labour party so this is not a question of matches not a question of "public health is a matter of education and honesty with the information, I prefer a thousand times that the fiber will be used marijuana (hemp) for clothing, paper etc.. to continue killing trees is less destructive, grows in less time and performs well, is medicinal is recreational is a gift of nature, and I once commented that currently use marijuana not believe that I have a year, the reason is that it is very dangerous to get it I have family and other things to think, fortunately, and this I found there recently and the reach of all very very similar to maria and high quality based on pure legal plant that because I like that effect? \u200b\u200bbecause it relaxes me, because I enjoy the music or a good movie, because it gives me moments of introspection that makes me see my neighbor as human as I, the truth must be understood that the maria but a party substance is a substance of peaceful coexistence or personal consumption down ignorance, freedom to choose I need not tell me that is good and bad, for it is investigated for it is written, and its great lucrative drug business is in play is something I'm worth a kilo, and legal marijuana.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Althea Contraceptive Pills Effects If Used By Gay
The fraction of the PRD in the Legislative Assembly Federal District on Tuesday presented an initiative to reform the General Health Law that proposes to legalize the sale and consumption of marijuana in the country. The coordinator of the PRD deputies, Victor Hugo Círigo, said the initiative aimed to enable the "planting, cultivation, harvesting, processing, preparation, conditioning, acquisition, possession, trade, transportation, in any form, prescription, supply, employment, use or consumption "of cannabis in any of three ways: sativa, indica and American.
Círigo said that legalizing marijuana is "not bad, not bad was said consumption alcohol, I think that is wrong with the consumption of alcohol and snuff, but is regulated, is legal and will not trigger consumption. "
The initiative would allow a person to carry up to 30 grams of cannabis and consume the substance prohibited in public and in non-authorized, and provides for fines of 21 to 30 days of minimum wage or imprisonment of 25 to 36 hours to any person who violates provisions.
leader of the PRD deputies said he was looking for alternatives to combat drug trafficking in Mexico as two years into the fight against this scourge have been only "dead and more dead, some beheaded indeed, the question is to how many more deaths are required to review the public policy of security. " Vázquez Círigo
reportedhold forums of discussion and debate on the proposal, and recognized that the ALDF has no power to amend the General Health Law, and if passed in the Assembly, to pass to Congress for Source
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Will Pinguecula Go Away On Its Own
I have a list of some of the most famous pot smokers of history, and their grooms or tracendencia important because the vast majority of those mentioned in the list have admitted elgunos publicly consumption and is supported by other evidence, the truth is that not open the form to put all those people who have done something that tracienda in this world because they are more than 6000 years of cannabis ...
* Aaron Sorkin, creator of "The West Wing."
* Abraham Lincoln. President of the United States of America. Interestingly, other presidents of this country also smoked and were in favor of cultivating cannabis.
* Thomas Jefferson.
* James Madison.
* James Monroe.
* Andrew Jackson, Zachary Taylor
* Franklin Pierce. * George Washington
, Cultivated and produced no evidence that smoking a little
* Also Bill Clinton and George Bush.
* Al and Tipper Gore Politicians * Aleister Crowley
, Writer and famous Satanist.
* Alexander Dumas, Author of Three Musketeers ¨ ¨
* Ali Campbell, UB40 singer
* Alice B. Toklas. Celebrity chef - Hash Fudge, was shot 'I Love You Alice B. Toklas'
* Allen Ginsberg, poet * Andrea Corr
singer, "The Corrs".
* Anjelica Huston, Actress
* Arthur Rimbaud.
* Balzac.
* Dolores Barreiro, model and TV host. stated that he smoked and was in favor of natural hallucinogens.
* Beatles.
* Benjamin Franklin, many statements and little evidence
* Bill "... but do not inhale." Clinton, Politico
* Bill Gates. Not confirmed, but in an interview in Playboy as hints.
* Bill Murray Arrested for possession
* Bing Crosby. wrote "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas." The Film "High Society" now makes sense.
* jaz musician Bix Beiderbecke
* Black Crowes,
musicians * Bob Denver, star in the series ¨ ¨ Guiligan Island
* Bob Dylan, musician
* Bob Marley, reggae musician
* Burt Reynolds, actor. He left his wife for this topic. But it has been in Coffee Shops
* Bruce Lee the ninja
* Cab Calloway, Jazz musician. He said he had smoked only once
* Carl Sagan, Scientist - science fiction writer - he wrote the film "Contact" More
* Carlos Santana musician
* Carrie Fischer, Actress * Charlie Sheen
, actor.
* Charles Baudelaire, French writer
* Cheech Marin, Actor, starred opposite Don Johnson's in the TV series "Nash Bridges."
* Chris Conrad, Author and expert on Cannabis Hemp.
* Chris Farley. Comedian
* Chrissie Hynde, musician.
* Chris Rock, Actor, Comedian, Producer, writer.
* Claire Rayner, Agony Aunt.
* Conan O'Brian TV driver.
* Count Basie, Leader of a jazz band. Was on a DEA list of smokers * Dan Quayle
* Diego Rivera Mexican Artist * Dion Fortune
occult magician.
* Dionne Warwick, Famous singer of "Walk On By." He was recently arrested with marijuana. Dioscorides Pedanius
*, 1 century BC, Greek. Wrote 'De Materia Medica', used by 1.500 years
* Dizzy Gillespie, Jazz musician was also in the DEA list of smokers
* Dr Francis Crick. Nobel Prize winner Dr Lester Grinspoon
* Dr * Dr WB O'Shaugnessy Re introduced cannabis to European medicine
* Drew Barrymore, actress.
* Duke Ellington, bandleader of Jazz. He was on the DEA list of smokers faso
* Elliott Gould. Actor.
* Eminem, musician hiphop
* Emperor Liu Chi-nu, doctor recommended its use
* Emperor Shen-Nung, made the medical recommendation fiprimera
* Errol Flynn, Actor * Evelyn Waugh
. Writer.
* Francis Ford Coppolla, Film Director. Mentioned in "Easy Riders, Raging Bulls" by Peter Biskind
* Fats Waller, musician
* Fitz Hugh Ludlow - wrote 'The Hasheesh Eater'.
* Francois Rabelais. French Writer 16 th century. Recommended marijuana as food.
* Friedrich Nietzsche, used it as medicine.
* Charly García. Argentine rocker. Charly know, we know.
* Gary Johnson. Governor of New Mexico - Reform.
* Gene Krupa, Jazz musician
* George Gurdjieff, Russian Mystic.
* Gimenes, Carlitos "the monkey." Cordoba music band musician, ¨ who has not smoked a cheerleading ¨, he said. And I have seen ...
* George W Bush hypocritically Politico murderer and fascist.
* George Soros, Financier and reformer
* Gerard de Nerval French writer *
rock band Grateful Dead hippie
* Guinsburg, TV host and comedian. he told Luis Majul when asked what his program.
* Harrison Ford, Actor. Bill Maher statement has not been denied
* Hasan I-Sabah (Hasan-bin-Sabah) Leader of Murderers Khunrath
* Heinrich, medieval alchemist and philosopher * Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
. Russian theologian.
* Henri Michaux poet and painter * Howard Marks
. Raconteur ex-dealer and HRH Prince
* Harry, Prince of the English throne.
* HRH Princess Margaret, British queen's sister denies His son
* Howard Stern, the radio said in its program. * Hua T'o
He used it as a painkiller. * Hunter S.
Thompson, Jack Kerouac Writer
*, Author * Jack Nicholson
, actor.
* Jackie Gleason, actor. He was also in the DEA lists of smokers faso
* James Brown, musician * Janis Joplin
, music. He tried but "... She Did not like marijuana, it Gave her the jitters."
* Jane Fonda, Actress
* Jennifer Aniston, actress. "I enjoy smoking cannabis and I see nothing wrong with that ¨ Daily Mail, 11.9.2001.
* Jennifer Capriati,
tennis champion * Jesse Ventura, Governor of Minnesota.
* Jim Morrison, musician
* Jimmy Dorsey, Jazz musician, was in the DEA lists marijuana users
* Jimmy Hendrix, musician * Joan of
of Arc, was accused of using witchcraft herbs (another name for marijuana)
* John Belushi, actor. Not a good example ....
* John Denver, musician. Wrote a song about her
* John F Kennedy. Political.
* John Lennon.
musician * John Le Mesurier. Actor. tested and said it was not for him.
* John Wayne, Actor, "I tried but I made no efectot."
* Johnny Cash, musician. Sang for the NORML disk
* Jon Snow, television presenter on Channel 4 in England.
* Julia Roberts, Actress, ¨ smoked twice, and gave me sleep
¨ * Joan Manuel Serrat, Singer. confessed pot smoker and his fans gave him a duty.
* Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, legendary Los Angeles Lakers star.
* Kary Mullis, Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Shape the direction of NORML
* Ken Kesey, Author of "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" (1975)
* Kurt Cobain, musician
* Larry Hagman, actor, of "JR"
* Argentine journalist Jorge Lanata. He said in several television shows, something like "I tried drugs"
* Led Zeppelin * Lenny Bruce,
* Lewis Carroll, Author * Lewis Wolpert
, biologist
* Little Richard, musician.
* Louis Armstrong, Jazz musician
* Luke Perry, actor.
* Louis Hebert, French biotanico
* Mick Jagger, musician
* Marilyn Monroe, global sex symbol of the last century took too many pills ... benzodiazepan
* Mike Bloomberg. NY Mayor
* Mike Tyson, Boxer and criminal.
* Miles Davis, Jazz musician.
* Milton Berle, Actor in the list of smokers contained DEA
name * Milton Mezzrow. Seller marijuana
Louis Armstrong * Mo Mowlam, Mininstro charge of drug policy of the united kingdom
* Modigliani. sculptor
* Montgomery Clift, actor, mentioned in his biography
* Neil Diamond, musician
* Neil Young, Musician
* Newt Gingrich Speaks at U.S. Senate
* Norman Mailer, Writer
* Oasis, Noel Gallagher "smoking cannabis is as normal as drinking a cup of tea ¨ (is English, and tea there is pop)
* Ocean Colour Scene, "the hardest smoking band in music" Q Magazine. 02/02.
* Oliver Stone, Film Director.
* Oscar Wilde, Writer "Bosie and i have taken to hashish," * Pablo Picasso
* Pergolini, Mario. conductor, broadcaster and entrepreneur. He said that in his youth frequently tested and jokes.
* Pancho Villa, Mexican revolutionary leader.
* Paul McCartney, Musician
* Peregrine Worthstone, former editor of the Sunday Telegraph.
* Peter Fonda, actor. "I do not trust anybody Who Did not inhale." (That said by Bill Clinton)
* Peter Sellers, actor.
* Peter Tosh, reggae musician.
* Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Former Prime Minister of Canada.
* Pink Floyd, Musicians.
* PJ O'Rouke. Writer.
* Pythagoras, mathematical.
* Queen Victoria.
* Ram Dass, Philosopher
* Ray Charles, musician.
* Richard Feynman, Nobel Prize in psychiatry
* Richard Pryor, actor. * Robert Anton Wilson
. Philosopher
* Robert Mitchum, Actor, was jailed in 40 possession of marijuana
* Rolling Stones, musicians
* Ross Rebagliati, winner of the first gold medal in Snowboard, Winter 1998 Olimpiads
* Rudyard Kipling. Writer.
* Ryan Farrell, Australian motorsports champion
* Salvador Dali, Artist
* Samuel Beckett, Writer
* Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Author. * Sidi-Hidi
. Sacred figure of Morocco, there ¨ brought the world "
cannabis * Sinead O'Connor, musician
* Snoop Dogg, musician
* Steve Martin, Actor.
* Stephen King. Writer, "Tommy Knockers".
* Steve Jobs, co-creator of Apple Computer
* Steven Soderbergh, Film Director
* Stephen Sondheim. Broadway composer
* Sting / Gordon Sumners, musician
* Ted Turner, owner of CNN and much of the world. This statement made by Bill Maher that has not been denied * Terence McKenna
* Terry Pratchett. Author of books "Diskworld" .
* The Who, rock.
* Thelonious Monk, Jazz musician.
* Timothy Leary * Tommy Chong. Acted together with Cheech Marin in "Up in Smoke" - "Cheech & Chong."
* Tommy Lee, Musician.
* Truman Capote, American writer smoking a joint with a woman of color in one of his stories.
* Tony Booth, British prime minister's family Smoked it in No 10.
* UB40, British reggae band.
* Victor Hugo. Writer of 'Les Misérables' (the wretched)
* Walter 'Stumpy' Brennan actor.
* Walter Benjamin, Philosopher. * Wesley
Snipes, actor. Was seen in cafes selling cannabis
* Whitney Houston, musician
* William Butler Yeats. Irish poet and occultist William S.
* Burroughs, Writer. * William Shakespeare Playwright
. More here. Found pipes with traces of cocaine, cannabis and opium.
* Willie Nelson, musician.
* Woody Harrelson, Actor and reformer
* Zoroaster, Persian prophet
* also smoked the man of the Stone Age
* Mexican Revolutionaries, sang the famous song "La cucaracha", that says ¨ can not walk, because it lacks because it has the back leg ¨, this leg is missing from the Cucacaracha ¨ ¨ is smoking marijuana and required to go to fight, the song was to demand it. see Pancho Villa
* So many rock bands have dedicated songs to cannabis, it would be impossible to list them. In fact, here we try to mention only smokers who are somehow distinguished in a "category" or represent the decriminalization and legalization of marijuana.
* José de San Martín, Argentina's founding father, deliverer. Abused opium and cannabis cultivation say, but do not know.
* Aldous Huxley, writer and philosopher, made several experiments with LSD and mescaline, but do not know if he smoked. * Arthor Conan Doyle, Author, "Sherlock Holmes." There was no evidence of its activity potheads.
* Buddy Rich, Jazz musician. There is no evidence, but his friends all if they smoked, eh.
* Cary Grant - There is no evidence he participated in legal proof of LSD.
* Charles Dickens, smoked laudanum, but there is no evidence that he used cannabis.
* Edgar Allen Poe, Writer, smoking opium, that is clear (in his work), but do not know whether cannabis. * Elvis Presley
, Heera musician addicted to drugs prescribed by your doctor, beyond faso.
* Ernest Hemingway, Writer. No evidence.
* Herman Hesse, writer, found no evidence
* Hiero the Second. Again.
* Irvine Welsh, Author His One of his most famous quotes speaks of the "dangers" of cannabis
* Jabir Ibn el-Hayyan, Alchemist.
* Jackson Pollock, Artist,
* Jerry Lee Lewis, musician. No evidence
* John Keats, poet. An analysis of his hair was positive in opium, but not marijuana.
* Jules Verne, Author No evidence
* Kelsey Grammar, Actor, "Frasier, Arrested for possession of cocaine
* Kirk Douglas, actor.
* Mary Tyler Moore, actress. appeared in a video called "How to bring up a Drug Free Child
* Marlon Brando, actor.
* Mary Shelley, Writer. We do not know he smoked cannabis, but if Philip K. Opio
* Dick, writer. Much speed used legally, but curiously did not work in your metabolism
* Queen Arnegunde, Frankish. He wore clothes made of hemp, but we know nothing of their habits psychoactive
* Robert Burns. Poet. The mentioned in the poem I'm told, but there is evidence that smoked.
* Robert 'King' Carter. Cultivated snuff, but marijuana? No evidence.
* Roger Clinton, brother of former U.S. president. Cocaine, yes, but no mention of cannabis
* Sigmund Freud. The father of psychoanalysis aspired cocaine regularly and conducted major investigations. * Tennessee Williams
Writer. Alcohol seemed to be the drug of choice
* Tom Lehrer. He stated that he never used a drug that also never lied, never
* Vincent Van Gogh, Artist. Other plants do, but not cannabis.
* Walt Disney , film producer and writer. thanks to
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Craigslist Shun Knife
* The proposal is led by Congressman Barney Frank, a Democrat representing Massachusetts
in the House of Washington. Frank says U.S. should stop arresting responsible marijuana users. "The current laws against marijuana put unnecessary burdens on the resources of the defense of the law, punish ill Americans whose doctors have prescribed them and also susbtancia unfairly affect African Americans," said Congressman . Several NGOs also support the proposal, saying that laws against marijuana should resemble those of alcohol. This new bill, HR 5843, would not affect existing laws that criminalize the planting and importation of the substance. Caracol Radio Source
Mexico City
.- The fraction of Alternative in the House of Representatives presented a Bill for consumers of cannabis , which among other objectives change poses imprisonment for information and educational. also allow consumers to grow up to three marijuana plants in their homes and hold up to three grams of the drug. The proposed reform is not unusual for the decriminalization of marijuana, but regulate it, which would eliminate the so-called "drug dealers, ‿ the black market and give consumers different penalties on producers and distributors.
At a press conference, Deputy Elsa Conde
, Alternative,
on Tuesday announced that the full Legislature will be presented this initiative which proposes that the war on drugs focuses on organized crime and not the persecution of those who consume it, sometimes even for medicinal or curative. He said backed party of the Democratic Revolution and Work in the presentation of this bill, which intends to launch a debate to replace prison sentences for consumption by others for information, guidance and educational
* What if the vice president of a major world powers decided to plant cannabis sativa in cold blood? What if I chose a priest gardening expert to ensure the success of plantations? How many would the outcry?
At the beginning of the seventeenth century, grow and do business with the cannabis was a normal currency. And in a realm likevisionary
Portugal, which expanded its ocean networks across continents as a colonial power. A book, colonial conflicts, the Brazilian historian Nireu Cavalcanti (still unpublished-dito in Spain), reveals the intense romance of the Portuguese crown with marijuana. Not only brings out the first maritime power of the story had an intense relationship with this plant and its fiber. The author even claims that the Portuguese naval power owes much to the fiber obtained from this plant, which was used in the construction of sails, ropes and other parts of the vessel. The already controversial book reveals that the Viceroy Luis de Vasconcelos
(1779-1790) was commissioned to provide the final push to the real cannabis plantations. De Vasconcelos encouraged to do the creation of an institution of the monarchy in Cangussú, inside the state Rio Grande do Sul. A plantation of marijuana, also managed directly by the Crown. Father Francisco Rodrigues Prates Xavier - "naturalist and connoisseur of culture and extraction of flax and hemp fiber, as described in the book, was appointed head of the extraction of this plant, Mr.Cannabis, by direct appointment viceroy. Cavalcantti recently told the newspaper O Globo that in 1789 the seeds of cannabis sativa was used as a medicinal plant. addition, to remove iron pot-participation of the crown, the historian says there are few references to drug use of the substance.
Other historians, says the newspaper O Globo, argue instead that the marijuana came to Brazil before the government initiative, aboard slave ships. Some even note that was used as a drug in such vessels. And from there to the rites of Candomblé of African heritage. The novelty of the book
colonial conflicts lies in the enhanced support of the Crown to cannabis sativa. "Only from the time when the State solves production assume things are going," he told O Globo historian. In fact, the divine planting Prates Xavier was a resounding success. The cargo ship arrived in Lisbon Ulises April 4, 1789 with 472 pounds of flax and hemp. More information on
* Use of Cannabis Sativa plant goes back thousands of years old and today its therapeutic potential is clear. Contains over 60 active ingredients not psychotropic, whose biological activity is shown for any of them. This is the case with the research group Eduardo Muñoz, based on the psychoactive effects of cannabis on intestinal inflammation and carcinogenesis. These cultivars are more similar to hemp to marijuana.
Many of the therapeutic activities of cannabis are associated with the same active ingredient that induces the psychotropic effects of this plant, 9Δ-tetrahydrocannabinol (9Δ-THC), a chemical that affects the central nervous system, causing changes in behavior, mood or percepeción, so its medical application is very limited. Cannabis psychoactive (mood changes, inhibits pain and / or alter the perception and can lead to dependence) is being used to alleviate the symptoms associated with chemotherapy (antiemetic), to improve appetite in AIDS patients, in some types of neuropathies and multiple sclerosis. For this last disease, the company GW Pharmaceuticals (UK) has developed the drug Sativex approved in Canada and as a drug for compassionate use.
The group University of Córdoba
Eduardo Muñoz directing the company is working with VivaCell Biotechnology Spain in the development of a variety of Cannabis Sativa 9Δ free-THC (range CARMA), which contains other bioactive psychotropic cannabinoids. "In most cases, when we are asked by our research emphasizes the psychotropic effects of cannabis and our investigation has nothing to do with these effects," stresses Muñoz. This plant has produced a well-standardized extract of phyto-positive health effects, "which has already been patented in Europe. Scientists began Cordoba work in the Sixth Framework Programme, a European project called CANNABIS-between 2005 and 2007 - where he worked several pubic schools (universities of Cordoba, Novara and Giessen), and European companies (VivaCell Biotechnology GmbH, Cerebricon Ltd and William Ransom & ; Son plc), coordinated by Professor Michael Heinrich (School of Pharmacy, University of London). Its objective was to identify different crops of Cannabis sativa to develop herbal drugs against diseases such as migraine and rheumatoid arthritis. The strategy was to develop crop plants with 9Δ-THC (psychoactive) for migraine, and plants without 9Δ-THC (non-psychoactive) for arthritis. Following Project, the UCO group has shown that certain crops genetically Cannabis sativa can be selected by VivaCell phytopharmaceutical to develop an anti-inflammatory activity prevents the development of colon tumors in animals associated with inflammation. These results were presented at the 8th Annual Meeting of the English Society for Research on Cannabinoids, research that was awarded. More information on
Andalucia Research *
marijuana production in the U.S.
reaches 20 percent of the total planted worldwide and exceeds the corn grown in that country, says a report the World Drug Report 2008, published by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC, for its acronym in English). The document, which had access to the Bolivian Information Agency
cites United States has only 4.5 percent of the world's population owns 45 percent of all cocaine users in the world. words, U.S. consumers are ten times more (these consume ten times more) than any other country in the world. Not only cocaine consumed in the United States actually ranks second among illicit drugs preferred by the Americans (31.6 percent of consumers).
First is marijuana, with 35.3 percent of all illicit drug users. While in the third and fourth with a 12.4 amphetamines and opiates percent to 9.8 percent, respectively.
In this context, the "black list" prepared by the United States government calling the effort made by countries on drugs does not correspond to any similar efforts made by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and has no correspondence with its own fight against drug trafficking.
Despite all the talk about "the war on drugs", the number of consumers and demand drug did not significantly lower in the north country. ABI
Beckley Foundation took his research to the British Parliament to be taken into account in the Assembly, 2009
"Cannabis is harmful, but unless the alcohol or snuff." This conclusion was reached by a study from the prestigious English Beckley Foundation, a nonprofit organization that promotes research on states of consciousness in the use of psychoactive substances. The transcendence of this is not only the results of the study, but where were presented: in the House of Lords of Parliament Britain, as part of a symposium with a view to the debate on the substance that next year will be held in the special session of the UN General Assembly and will be advised of the Beckley Foundation. addition, the report argues that governments should "seriously reconsider" its current policy of prohibition of cannabis
. Events like this serve to trigger again the eternal debate on the legalization of marijuana in Argentina. Source
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Can U Use Anbesol While Pregnant
Originally this was going to be an entry for
Thursday, September 25, 2008
How To Replace Toyota Celica 2000 Struts
Because you asked, because you want it, here's the poll "The Most Magnificent CICESE Anniversary." Below you will find the photos of candidates. If anyone has another participant send your photo and we will gladly add. What do you expect? Vote now!
Candidates (in order of appearance): Raul, Rolando, Edgar, David, Angel and Leo.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Digital Playground Streamng
This document can be viewed online from the following link
, where they can review the articles 237, 245 fractions I, II and III and 248 which are those fixed by the substances prohibited. But what I found quite prohibitive, is that in the article 247 reads as follows ...
"planting, cultivation, harvesting, processing, preparation, conditioning, acquisition, possession
, trade, transport in any form, prescription, supply, employment, use, consumption and
generally any act related to psychotropic substances or any product that containing
, is subject a. .. " To which leaves no possibility, because as he says, any act in relation to these substances is a crime, to I wonder, so far as this law, offenders could be to promote the responsible use of cannabis?
other hand I felt that some Members have a broad ability to post stupid, as in Article 245 grouped the THC (the main active ingredient in marijuana) in the first fraction of this law, which says
"I. The
with little or no therapeutic value and which, being susceptible to misuse or abuse, constitute a particularly serious problem for public health are:
" as this more than been a significant therapeutic value, I guess from the fact that a plant that cures many varieties of cancer, please, we need our laws are based on scientific facts and not on unsubstantiated ideas ...
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Football Player In Jocks
Well, had promised a post about the trip to Morelia ENC'2007 but before that (and before I forget) I wanted to say about San Luis Potosi and ENC'2006, which was the first trip (and last) I did during the Masters. This was around September 2006, we were in the fourth quarter as research and presented the opportunity to publish a paper at the Workshop Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing. By the way, this article and others will soon be available in publications section on my personal site. Pictured from left to right, Ivan Estrella, Carlos Cordova and a server.
The first day passed uneventfully, as well as identify the area found near the hotel and restaurants (which give bill) we had to get to finish preparing the presentations for the workshop. The second day, Luis E. Palafox (companion of the research group) and Ivan gave a tutorial programming wireless sensor networks and Carlos and I support the development of a workshop. At night, rain, rain and the loss of Ivan (which was making use of the library's wireless network), but later appeared in the hotel room after one to two hours. Third day, introduction. As he was still working with the thesis, my paper was on the progress that led from the analysis to design, already had a working prototype but still needed all the evaluation process.
Leaving that day, and we could walk around the city center. At first everything without news, but as we approached the center, we began to see interesting buildings everywhere.
What was most impressive was the golden on all buildings, according to this, San Luis Potosi is registered as a City Light, all old buildings are decorated with lights, for example in light of the facade of the theater changed tones. As a curiosity (not I was touched to see), businesses such as banks, pharmacies, etc. have facades according to the architecture (such as Oxxo photo) which is fine.
Another curious fact, though it was about 10 pm, there were many people in the center to several carriages and children on all sides, there was an eclipse or brought the wrong time or level, the city is very safe. On the fifth day we return to the center before the start of the other conferences in college.
One of the talks that caught my eye most was one where they talked about the B-trees. Not that the issue has had much to do with my work, what struck me is how the presenter outlined his ideas. In the picture, for example, is when I was talking about how he became interested in the subject, as seen in most of their slides was hand drawn and then scanned as explained when asked.
to time give to take an occasional joke, as the slide of "overview" in the absence of more people who understand English and do not hit much at first and the translation was lost some grace .
Well, that was generally the trip. In short: very nice city, good food and lots of culture everywhere. Too bad we always find the theater closed but we could go to one of two museums. Well, next post: visits to Leon and Guanajuato ENC'2006 return to and then to publish it in Morelia. There are many more photos in this gallery before returning, I took a map and I was taking pictures of tourist spot tourist spot. Missing picture of a military building, after taking it, a captain commanded a soldier for me, to avoid further injuries and because of the shock (of course if nothing else heard "bring me that $#%!"), I deleted the photo and showed that it had no pictures of the barracks. By the way, thanks to my friends who went to rescue me (yes, of course, were already fled and more than 200 meters when I reached the military).