Miley Cyrus, known for her role in 'Hannah Montana' has become a benchmark for millions of young people when they dress. The pop singer and actress from Disney is known for being one of the few performers of his generation who has a 'look' for their age.
Miley, who celebrated 17 years a few days ago, usually go with short dresses to galas and opt for more casual clothing in their day to day. In fact, if there is an article that characterizes Miley are the "shorts."
She has revamped her look this year and now the 'shorts' have become a staple in your closet. Miley adores this jacket and does not hesitate to wear it for any occasion. Concerts, afternoon shopping, tours, performances ... are some of the events that the singer has come wearing their shorts. Arguably
Miley has become fashionable this piece to everyone and proved that the 'shorts' can be used on any occasion. Leather, metal, black, white, worn, broken and his favorite jeans have become a staple of their clothing.