AMLO, Chavez and drugs
Erich March, 2010 - 09:52 if crime is solved by the side of legalizing drugs. What will happen to other crimes? (...) To open the debate, which is thoroughly analyzed. "
Andrés Manuel Good thing it was open to the possibility of decriminalizing drugs. Although it has its reservations, does not maintain a hardline stance as the Calderon and many politicians who, for convenience, prefer to opt for politically correct positions to dare to propose solutions to controversies. AMLO and Chavez
I Don Federico Arreola SDP and various collaborators have unhealthy fixation with the figure of Chávez. I understand their arguments and share many of them, but what arrogance to suggest that "the only possibility" (a very uncompromising and extreme position) so that AMLO comes to power in 2012 "as favorite" is a declaration that Chavez is a dictator.
Man, have said before! Andrew had swept the 2006 elections if he had pulled all the Bolivarian president. Fraud would never have happened. For Don Fede, Tabasco entire speech on poverty, the corruption of businessmen and politicians, neoliberal economic policy and the need for peaceful change are unnecessary.
Suppose that, in effect, says Andrew told reporters that Chavez is a bloodthirsty dictator who oppresses his people. I go up to the moment the voting preferences? According to Don Federico, that's a possibility. And if AMLO comes to power, what should we do with Chavez? "Declare war? They would kill? Breaking diplomatic relations? "To support a coup as in Honduras and overthrow?
Margarita Zavala, flagella and addictions
The president of the National DIF and niece Marcia Tonella Altagracia Gomez del Campo, one of the owners of ABC Childcare remains unpunished, opened in Quintana Roo Prevention Forum and Treatment of Addictions. According to the Millennium note was "an extensive program of federal government against this scourge. " Health Secretary Jose Angel Cordova Villalobos said the alkaloids "are a scourge," while Governor Felix Gonzalez Canto supported the Federal Government's fight "for our youth and our children to develop free from the scourge of drugs" . Cursed
scourge! Flagelémoslo not to scourge us first. For the first that scourge would be a good terror. Villalobos
Secretary had the gall to say that the federal government's actions to assist victims of addictions are "bearing fruit" and recognized organizations civil society working in the construction of a social model to eradicate drug use. "
What fruit? The index addiction has increased by only three years of government, alleged fight against drug trafficking and ambitious programs of rehabilitation and prevention.
I think the big mistake of the last federal government has not evaluated the effectiveness of their programs. They think that just spend millions and are doing their job, but never question what is going wrong in their efforts backfire when they get fired and the number of consumers. Nor is it realistic the goal of eradicating illegal drugs. It will not be possible to achieve. Much less when we could not eliminate the legal drugs.
require a prevention program based on reality, not hype, free of moral prejudices, which does not scare young people with lies and not be stigmatized for consumers who wish to live with their habits. They have peculiar
contest addiction prevention
Paulo Aguirre, through the founding electioneering PRI federal deputy, Ernesto de Lucas Hopkins, launched the competition entitled "Fighting against drugs" to "encourage, motivate and raise awareness Sonoran infants about the serious problem of drug addiction. "
What is the name of a foundation that promotes the competition? "Flying Together." No kidding. A direct reference to psychoactive experience.
And what will be the prize? Take the winners to see a wrestling event called Wrestlemania. Peculiar
way to reward children, taking them to see athletes that are most often abuse illicit substances. Who understands?
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