"We are committed to ending extreme poverty in four years"
1-THE CONTROVERSIAL CHARACTER. was clear from the beginning, without waiting to conclude a conversation that eventually stretched over an hour in one of the rooms that the president of Chile occupied at the luxurious Hotel Excelsior in Via Veneto in Rome on Wednesday last studded Biedermeier and Empire furniture, whether the rule that is, adorned with four severe portraits of ladies of the nobility of Italy in the seventeenth, that the impression of observers pay more attention to the reality in Latin America is successful: Sebastián Piñera has become one of the most interesting but also most controversial, on the political chessboard of the continent.
When I met him two years ago in Santiago, Chile, in an informal setting to share conversation and drinks, Piñera was, frankly, almost everything against them in their attempt to get the image in the story that no doubt aspires. All except, of course, polls election, and placed him in a position of power leave the coalition, a combination unimaginable in any other Latin American socialist and Democrats, explicable only by the trauma of the dictatorship of Pinochet, who had not only led to great successful transition from the hated regime of the swords into one of the most stable democracies in Latin America, but that it had secured 20 years of prosperity and social progress.
Almost everything against means, first, to opt for the presidency with a coalition whose most conspicuous characters not only defended the Pinochet dictatorship but openly advocated his tenure at La Moneda, when he, Sebastian Pinera, doctorate at Harvard economics professor, successful entrepreneur, had been openly antipinochetista and had even helped in the campaign for no in the referendum that ultimately led to the ouster of the tyrant.
But it was also an entrepreneur. And not just any, but a rich and influential a long career studded with not a few scandals. controlled or major holdings available in LAN Chile, one of the major airlines in the region, the Chilevision television, a popular soccer team private hospitals and a long list of his personal fortune amounted to lack of official data, any number above U.S. $ 2,000 million according to sources, the imagination or dislike of each. The cliché was as inevitable as credible, the new Sebastian Pinera was Chile's Silvio Berlusconi, ready to build your business from political power, to ignore conflicts of interest that inevitably would result from both as business man and President the country and yes, believe his enemies, to use the levers of power to increase their wealth.
The comparison always irritated him, and not given to verbal restraint, at least until he was president, settled the controversy without contemplation or diplomatic niceties in a 2004 interview: "The comparison I do not like Berlusconi. Besides the obvious reasons that suggest a use of the means to a political career, there others: Berlusconi is pelao and I still I have my hair. And it has happened several times under the knife for plastic surgery and I still no. " Berlusconi is the prime minister who was just on Wednesday hours before this interview. Before you begin the conversation, Piñera want to review the images with an assistant of the meeting with Italian Prime Minister.
-A see, show me more pictures. Are there only these?
"There are over 80, Mr. President. But these three are the best.
-show me again. The previous. All right.
is executive, imperious and apparently does not mind showing it in public. "More than anxious," she explained later, "I am a man who lives with a sense of urgency, I realize that life is short, the goals are many, and therefore, I hate wasting time, and I Like moving as fast as possible. And that's a style that I tried to print to our Government, ministers, all public authorities. " A standing consultation document on a laptop that someone close. Standing answer a message on the mobile phone. She sits. We ordered tea and coca-cola. He apologizes for taking off his jacket, is in shirt sleeves and sets out to answer my questions.
govern is to choose, I spit. Choose who you want to stay in power. Choosing partners. Choose to who is going to govern. Why then go hand in hand with the right Pinochet him, very right, but it was not a supporter of the dictator? Why not other members?
-Le story: during the military government were in trenches opposite, because I was in favor of restoring democracy as soon as possible and many in the Alliance were in favor of extending the mandate of General Pinochet. But once we recovered democracy, why do we recover? So that everyone could freely follow his path. And we all committed ourselves to that democracy. I thought that the most akin to that trilogy of freedom - political, economic and social - was the Coalition to which I joined.
"I had to think about you a lot.
- Of course I had to think because we had many differences over the military government, but today, in the Coalition for Change, commitment to democracy, human rights, is something that not discussed, is as natural as the air we breathe.
As his personal fortune and potential conflicts of interest that this could raise the other focus of attention if he met the President of the Republic, Piñera announced its willingness to disable. "I sold everything," he said, a decision that should not be easy for those who have built this whole, what is in the business, which was in life, over the decades, covering his youth and maturity. Piñera is now 61 years.
"Before being elected president, I got a very important part of my investments in a blind trust in Chilean financial institutions, and that is being managed by them without any knowledge mine. And yet, I decided to sell some businesses , as an airline, a television channel, a soccer team. And that was a decision I made voluntarily, because despite everything that the Coalition promised never managed to pass a law regulating the legitimate private activities of those who have a legitimate call to public service.
2 BET TO THE STORY. Throughout the interview Piñera detail the guidelines for the political project that goes to Chile, "the best form of political freedom is democracy the best form of economic freedom is the social economy open market, free, competitive, and the best way to social freedom is to overcome poverty and create a society with equal opportunities, " a speech in itself may not differ too much from so many other Latin Americans have heard for decades only to discover, finally, as the rhetoric was dissolved before the impotence, though she is of good will, or worse, to the demagoguery and even corruption or deception. But I was surprised by the fixation fighting misery. I'm surprised his insistence, its attachment. What if this time is different? Brazil, from left, has made giant strides with Lula. Are you changing the historical pattern in the region, or at least parts of it, with the arrival of a new generation of political leaders? Can you do the same from the right? What is the reason that a president choose poverty as conservative as the goal for which will be judged?
"Poverty is a real cancer in society, not only because it means condemnation, in our country, almost three million Chileans live below the line of dignity, which is what we call the line poverty. It also creates substantial problems in developing societies, the quality of democracy and social peace even in the potential. Therefore we have proposed to end extreme poverty in our government, four years, insert the groundwork for Chile achieved, before this decade is out, leaving behind the underdevelopment and eradicate poverty. It is an impossible goal, is ambitious, but absolutely doable. I will give a single fact: the poverty gap in Chile, ie, the percentage of national income that should be transferred, if we could transfer directly to each of the families living in poverty is about 1.5 % of our gross national product. This year Chile will grow by 6% and therefore how it will not be reasonable, feasible, and ethically and morally imperative to do whatever it takes for a small percentage of economic growth go to those three million Chileans living in poverty. Chile is a country that can do it. Perhaps another Latin American country is going to take longer, and so the great mission of our generation, which is the generation of the bicentennial, is to defeat poverty and underdevelopment.
- How do you think? Because conservative governments generally suspicious of the instruments of the state and tend to think that economic growth enough to make some of that wealth ends up in one way or another to the poor. What almost never happens.
-market economy and growth are major generators of wealth and opportunity, but there are mechanisms to distribute that wealth and those opportunities fairly. Therefore, it requires state action, because then the state error is not only indispensable, but is the only one who can fulfill this task. How do we want to attack us? First is to eradicate the causes, the real causes of poverty and excessive inequality, which I think are basically three: the poor quality of education. In this society of knowledge and information, that education is an element as discriminatory, it does is perpetuate the differences, so in Latin America often enough to see the quality of the cradle to predict how it will be the quality of the grave. Second, create jobs, good jobs. And so our purpose is to create one million new jobs, equivalent to Spain to create six million new jobs. And the third measure to strengthen the family's cause, because it is shown that a family very weak means less opportunity, less education, more crime, more drugs for their children. And this takes time, we are implementing other measures, much faster: create an ethical and family income, and will be for the State, using the resources of all Chileans, will be transferred to those families living in poverty, income through grants, but not unconditionally, but on condition that the family is committed to your own future. And very specific things: that the family is receiving the ethical and family income will have to make a commitment and that part of April this year, that their children go to school and not drop out, their children have their health checks daily, those of working age are working or seeking work, or train. And there is a measuring device in Chile, well known by all, which measures what is extreme poverty and what poverty is, and therefore the people we will be able to measure.
- Are you aware that it plays a role in history with such specific promises on poverty?
-Happy gamble my role in history with a promise so noble and dignified and as feasible as is our country manages to be or maybe the first country in Latin America, because it is the closest to achieving defeat overcome poverty and underdevelopment.
3 THE POLITICAL PROJECT. At this point the conversation should be recognized, however, Piñera's speech at the expense of reality or not validate it in the coming months and years, is an apparent break with traditional practices otherwise disqualified, unconditional alignment with themselves and more or less diplomatic ninguneo neighbors.
In a country about which much still gravitates to the left and right, Catholic morality, Piñera has promised legislation to recognize the rights of unmarried couples, including same sex. has accepted morning after pill after a domestic argument a bit strange - "after studying the issue very thoroughly, I concluded that the pill is not abortifacient because it does is prevent conception, and therefore I think that there is no reason to prohibit the distribution of morning-after pill in Chile ", which has not sat well with its partners in government, further to the right that he and, above all, maintains a critical but not apocalyptic about the opposition.
Brazil accepts the leadership of regional - "we recognize that as a fact, and we hope that Brazil can represent more and more strength not only his own voice but also together we represent the voice of Latin America in this new world that is emerging. "And even Hugo Chávez, the antipodes ideological nuances involving any danger, except for its own citizens: " Look, many people thought that ten, five years ago. I think that the difficult situation that Venezuela is living in itself has greatly decreased the intention that at some point appeared to export this model and intervene in other countries. And therefore, I would not describe my fellow presidents, saying only that the model we are following in Chile is best for Chile, and that the model is following Venezuela is not going the right way. "
Eleven days before taking office in March last year, the worst earthquake in the history of Chile was not only a tragedy in terms of human lives, destruction of infrastructure, schools, hospitals, housing, but it seemed for a moment mortgage a brutal blow all the action government of then president-elect. Damage
30,000 million dollars, 17% of national GDP deletion of a sledgehammer. All campaign promises in the air. All projects on hold. And yet, just a year later, and despite criticism about the slow pace of reconstruction, Piñera recited at full speed without hesitating a moment, as an Excel spreadsheet, the achievements of his government: "Our economy doubled growth rate of the previous government, created more twice as many jobs had been created every year under the previous government, increased spending at a rate of over 20%, increased export, I'll make a brief comparison between 2009 and 2010: growth Economic: -1.5% to +5.2% jobs: under 45,000 to over 420,000; investment: less than 15% to over 20% exports: from standing more than 27%. "
listening, I say, it appears that Chile has spent the last 20 years of history bloated asleep or when there is some consensus among international observers that during the two decades of government Concertación enormous progress the country had to the point that has, of course before the arrival of Piñera for the presidency, an example and admired model in Latin America.
"Look, when one evaluates a country, the question is how you measure staff, whom he compares. If one compares it to Latin America, perhaps the results are favorable, but if you compare it to Chile with the leaders of the world, the truth is that we started falling behind. I accept and acknowledge that during the coalition made many advances, twenty-year rule, but I also want to become aware of the truth and the facts. The rate of growth of our economy began to fall: to be a leading country in terms of growth, 7% a year in the last government of President Bachelet's growth rate was less than 3%, for a country like Chile is not enough. That's what our government says, to pick the good from previous governments, but does not keep falling into that temptation to rest on their laurels and living off past glories.
-OK achievements of previous governments is not a speech that is heard often elsewhere, certainly not in Spain, for example. Or almost anywhere else in Latin America.
"The Coalition was a political coalition very successful and fruitful in Chile. First, it was instrumental in achieving early return to democracy with the triumph of no in the plebiscite of 1988. And I participated in this cross and in that cause, actively and uncompromisingly. And then managed to make the transition to be very successful. Therefore, I appreciate what the Concertación in Chile meant to restore democracy and the transition to democracy in his first government, but was gradually leading to Chile by a road which meant less growth, less employment less investment, failed to correct inequalities, has made great reforms in order to enter this new world of knowledge society and information with solid pillars. And therefore, I believe that change was absolutely necessary. "Excuse
insist, but in Chile it is again an exception to the absolute polarization of politics almost everywhere, black and white, all or nothing, to deny the enemy without qualification.
"That's true, is true because in Chile, after having lived through periods of brutal ideological confrontations, as was the period of the government of President Allende, who wanted to follow a path of Marxist socialism to Chile, which led to a total confrontation , or the period of military government, which also led to a confrontation. Fortunately, the Chilean we reached an agreement on the major tenets: a commitment to Western democracy, which is not disqualified as it was in the sixties, seventies, as a worthless bourgeois democracy, as did the left, the commitment to social economy market, free, open, competitive, and not attempt to establish a socialist or statist, and commitment to achieve greater equalities, and fight more effectively against poverty, are commitments that crossed the whole of Chilean society, and that he gave great stability to the model and Chile. Therefore, I am not talking about a total ideological confrontation of two sectors of the country want to take the country in fully addresses opposite.
"Four years seems just for his political project, as outlined so far. In Chile, as in many other Latin American countries there is no re-election in charge, the result of the perpetuation in power of many tyrannies. Maintaining that politics has become somewhat an indicator of the quality of democracy.
"In Chile there is the possibility of reelection, but not immediately, and I have no intention of changing the Constitution in this regard.
- not immediately ...
-is permitted. Any president of Chile, as it tries president Frei, can aspire to be president again.
- do you wish
"Look, every day is the evil thereof. I am now committed to making a big government during these four years and, of course, I would like to me, and I will work to hand power over to a government to continue our work.
Almost everything against means, first, to opt for the presidency with a coalition whose most conspicuous characters not only defended the Pinochet dictatorship but openly advocated his tenure at La Moneda, when he, Sebastian Pinera, doctorate at Harvard economics professor, successful entrepreneur, had been openly antipinochetista and had even helped in the campaign for no in the referendum that ultimately led to the ouster of the tyrant.
But it was also an entrepreneur. And not just any, but a rich and influential a long career studded with not a few scandals. controlled or major holdings available in LAN Chile, one of the major airlines in the region, the Chilevision television, a popular soccer team private hospitals and a long list of his personal fortune amounted to lack of official data, any number above U.S. $ 2,000 million according to sources, the imagination or dislike of each. The cliché was as inevitable as credible, the new Sebastian Pinera was Chile's Silvio Berlusconi, ready to build your business from political power, to ignore conflicts of interest that inevitably would result from both as business man and President the country and yes, believe his enemies, to use the levers of power to increase their wealth.
The comparison always irritated him, and not given to verbal restraint, at least until he was president, settled the controversy without contemplation or diplomatic niceties in a 2004 interview: "The comparison I do not like Berlusconi. Besides the obvious reasons that suggest a use of the means to a political career, there others: Berlusconi is pelao and I still I have my hair. And it has happened several times under the knife for plastic surgery and I still no. " Berlusconi is the prime minister who was just on Wednesday hours before this interview. Before you begin the conversation, Piñera want to review the images with an assistant of the meeting with Italian Prime Minister.
-A see, show me more pictures. Are there only these?
"There are over 80, Mr. President. But these three are the best.
-show me again. The previous. All right.
is executive, imperious and apparently does not mind showing it in public. "More than anxious," she explained later, "I am a man who lives with a sense of urgency, I realize that life is short, the goals are many, and therefore, I hate wasting time, and I Like moving as fast as possible. And that's a style that I tried to print to our Government, ministers, all public authorities. " A standing consultation document on a laptop that someone close. Standing answer a message on the mobile phone. She sits. We ordered tea and coca-cola. He apologizes for taking off his jacket, is in shirt sleeves and sets out to answer my questions.
govern is to choose, I spit. Choose who you want to stay in power. Choosing partners. Choose to who is going to govern. Why then go hand in hand with the right Pinochet him, very right, but it was not a supporter of the dictator? Why not other members?
-Le story: during the military government were in trenches opposite, because I was in favor of restoring democracy as soon as possible and many in the Alliance were in favor of extending the mandate of General Pinochet. But once we recovered democracy, why do we recover? So that everyone could freely follow his path. And we all committed ourselves to that democracy. I thought that the most akin to that trilogy of freedom - political, economic and social - was the Coalition to which I joined.
"I had to think about you a lot.
- Of course I had to think because we had many differences over the military government, but today, in the Coalition for Change, commitment to democracy, human rights, is something that not discussed, is as natural as the air we breathe.
As his personal fortune and potential conflicts of interest that this could raise the other focus of attention if he met the President of the Republic, Piñera announced its willingness to disable. "I sold everything," he said, a decision that should not be easy for those who have built this whole, what is in the business, which was in life, over the decades, covering his youth and maturity. Piñera is now 61 years.
"Before being elected president, I got a very important part of my investments in a blind trust in Chilean financial institutions, and that is being managed by them without any knowledge mine. And yet, I decided to sell some businesses , as an airline, a television channel, a soccer team. And that was a decision I made voluntarily, because despite everything that the Coalition promised never managed to pass a law regulating the legitimate private activities of those who have a legitimate call to public service.
2 BET TO THE STORY. Throughout the interview Piñera detail the guidelines for the political project that goes to Chile, "the best form of political freedom is democracy the best form of economic freedom is the social economy open market, free, competitive, and the best way to social freedom is to overcome poverty and create a society with equal opportunities, " a speech in itself may not differ too much from so many other Latin Americans have heard for decades only to discover, finally, as the rhetoric was dissolved before the impotence, though she is of good will, or worse, to the demagoguery and even corruption or deception. But I was surprised by the fixation fighting misery. I'm surprised his insistence, its attachment. What if this time is different? Brazil, from left, has made giant strides with Lula. Are you changing the historical pattern in the region, or at least parts of it, with the arrival of a new generation of political leaders? Can you do the same from the right? What is the reason that a president choose poverty as conservative as the goal for which will be judged?
"Poverty is a real cancer in society, not only because it means condemnation, in our country, almost three million Chileans live below the line of dignity, which is what we call the line poverty. It also creates substantial problems in developing societies, the quality of democracy and social peace even in the potential. Therefore we have proposed to end extreme poverty in our government, four years, insert the groundwork for Chile achieved, before this decade is out, leaving behind the underdevelopment and eradicate poverty. It is an impossible goal, is ambitious, but absolutely doable. I will give a single fact: the poverty gap in Chile, ie, the percentage of national income that should be transferred, if we could transfer directly to each of the families living in poverty is about 1.5 % of our gross national product. This year Chile will grow by 6% and therefore how it will not be reasonable, feasible, and ethically and morally imperative to do whatever it takes for a small percentage of economic growth go to those three million Chileans living in poverty. Chile is a country that can do it. Perhaps another Latin American country is going to take longer, and so the great mission of our generation, which is the generation of the bicentennial, is to defeat poverty and underdevelopment.
- How do you think? Because conservative governments generally suspicious of the instruments of the state and tend to think that economic growth enough to make some of that wealth ends up in one way or another to the poor. What almost never happens.
-market economy and growth are major generators of wealth and opportunity, but there are mechanisms to distribute that wealth and those opportunities fairly. Therefore, it requires state action, because then the state error is not only indispensable, but is the only one who can fulfill this task. How do we want to attack us? First is to eradicate the causes, the real causes of poverty and excessive inequality, which I think are basically three: the poor quality of education. In this society of knowledge and information, that education is an element as discriminatory, it does is perpetuate the differences, so in Latin America often enough to see the quality of the cradle to predict how it will be the quality of the grave. Second, create jobs, good jobs. And so our purpose is to create one million new jobs, equivalent to Spain to create six million new jobs. And the third measure to strengthen the family's cause, because it is shown that a family very weak means less opportunity, less education, more crime, more drugs for their children. And this takes time, we are implementing other measures, much faster: create an ethical and family income, and will be for the State, using the resources of all Chileans, will be transferred to those families living in poverty, income through grants, but not unconditionally, but on condition that the family is committed to your own future. And very specific things: that the family is receiving the ethical and family income will have to make a commitment and that part of April this year, that their children go to school and not drop out, their children have their health checks daily, those of working age are working or seeking work, or train. And there is a measuring device in Chile, well known by all, which measures what is extreme poverty and what poverty is, and therefore the people we will be able to measure.
- Are you aware that it plays a role in history with such specific promises on poverty?
-Happy gamble my role in history with a promise so noble and dignified and as feasible as is our country manages to be or maybe the first country in Latin America, because it is the closest to achieving defeat overcome poverty and underdevelopment.
3 THE POLITICAL PROJECT. At this point the conversation should be recognized, however, Piñera's speech at the expense of reality or not validate it in the coming months and years, is an apparent break with traditional practices otherwise disqualified, unconditional alignment with themselves and more or less diplomatic ninguneo neighbors.
In a country about which much still gravitates to the left and right, Catholic morality, Piñera has promised legislation to recognize the rights of unmarried couples, including same sex. has accepted morning after pill after a domestic argument a bit strange - "after studying the issue very thoroughly, I concluded that the pill is not abortifacient because it does is prevent conception, and therefore I think that there is no reason to prohibit the distribution of morning-after pill in Chile ", which has not sat well with its partners in government, further to the right that he and, above all, maintains a critical but not apocalyptic about the opposition.
Brazil accepts the leadership of regional - "we recognize that as a fact, and we hope that Brazil can represent more and more strength not only his own voice but also together we represent the voice of Latin America in this new world that is emerging. "And even Hugo Chávez, the antipodes ideological nuances involving any danger, except for its own citizens: " Look, many people thought that ten, five years ago. I think that the difficult situation that Venezuela is living in itself has greatly decreased the intention that at some point appeared to export this model and intervene in other countries. And therefore, I would not describe my fellow presidents, saying only that the model we are following in Chile is best for Chile, and that the model is following Venezuela is not going the right way. "
Eleven days before taking office in March last year, the worst earthquake in the history of Chile was not only a tragedy in terms of human lives, destruction of infrastructure, schools, hospitals, housing, but it seemed for a moment mortgage a brutal blow all the action government of then president-elect. Damage
30,000 million dollars, 17% of national GDP deletion of a sledgehammer. All campaign promises in the air. All projects on hold. And yet, just a year later, and despite criticism about the slow pace of reconstruction, Piñera recited at full speed without hesitating a moment, as an Excel spreadsheet, the achievements of his government: "Our economy doubled growth rate of the previous government, created more twice as many jobs had been created every year under the previous government, increased spending at a rate of over 20%, increased export, I'll make a brief comparison between 2009 and 2010: growth Economic: -1.5% to +5.2% jobs: under 45,000 to over 420,000; investment: less than 15% to over 20% exports: from standing more than 27%. "
listening, I say, it appears that Chile has spent the last 20 years of history bloated asleep or when there is some consensus among international observers that during the two decades of government Concertación enormous progress the country had to the point that has, of course before the arrival of Piñera for the presidency, an example and admired model in Latin America.
"Look, when one evaluates a country, the question is how you measure staff, whom he compares. If one compares it to Latin America, perhaps the results are favorable, but if you compare it to Chile with the leaders of the world, the truth is that we started falling behind. I accept and acknowledge that during the coalition made many advances, twenty-year rule, but I also want to become aware of the truth and the facts. The rate of growth of our economy began to fall: to be a leading country in terms of growth, 7% a year in the last government of President Bachelet's growth rate was less than 3%, for a country like Chile is not enough. That's what our government says, to pick the good from previous governments, but does not keep falling into that temptation to rest on their laurels and living off past glories.
-OK achievements of previous governments is not a speech that is heard often elsewhere, certainly not in Spain, for example. Or almost anywhere else in Latin America.
"The Coalition was a political coalition very successful and fruitful in Chile. First, it was instrumental in achieving early return to democracy with the triumph of no in the plebiscite of 1988. And I participated in this cross and in that cause, actively and uncompromisingly. And then managed to make the transition to be very successful. Therefore, I appreciate what the Concertación in Chile meant to restore democracy and the transition to democracy in his first government, but was gradually leading to Chile by a road which meant less growth, less employment less investment, failed to correct inequalities, has made great reforms in order to enter this new world of knowledge society and information with solid pillars. And therefore, I believe that change was absolutely necessary. "Excuse
insist, but in Chile it is again an exception to the absolute polarization of politics almost everywhere, black and white, all or nothing, to deny the enemy without qualification.
"That's true, is true because in Chile, after having lived through periods of brutal ideological confrontations, as was the period of the government of President Allende, who wanted to follow a path of Marxist socialism to Chile, which led to a total confrontation , or the period of military government, which also led to a confrontation. Fortunately, the Chilean we reached an agreement on the major tenets: a commitment to Western democracy, which is not disqualified as it was in the sixties, seventies, as a worthless bourgeois democracy, as did the left, the commitment to social economy market, free, open, competitive, and not attempt to establish a socialist or statist, and commitment to achieve greater equalities, and fight more effectively against poverty, are commitments that crossed the whole of Chilean society, and that he gave great stability to the model and Chile. Therefore, I am not talking about a total ideological confrontation of two sectors of the country want to take the country in fully addresses opposite.
"Four years seems just for his political project, as outlined so far. In Chile, as in many other Latin American countries there is no re-election in charge, the result of the perpetuation in power of many tyrannies. Maintaining that politics has become somewhat an indicator of the quality of democracy.
"In Chile there is the possibility of reelection, but not immediately, and I have no intention of changing the Constitution in this regard.
- not immediately ...
-is permitted. Any president of Chile, as it tries president Frei, can aspire to be president again.
- do you wish
"Look, every day is the evil thereof. I am now committed to making a big government during these four years and, of course, I would like to me, and I will work to hand power over to a government to continue our work.
"Look, there's a wonderful song of Edith Piaf, who says" I do not regret anything. " I am not of those who do not regret anything, I regret many things, and over the years you lose muscle strength, joint flexibility, it becomes more white hair, but gains in wisdom, understanding and wisdom. And I think I've been gaining in these factors and of course I regret many things. Unfortunately, there is so that the spoken word, the arrow shot, do not return. And so every day I think more caution. And I like the quiet.
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