Saturday, February 26, 2011

Modern Wedding Cut Cake Songs

...")" The crisis in the Middle East and Venezuela "("... the price rise is a story that does not harm the Venezuelan Sheikh continually strive


With regard to our country, the wave of conflicts that shook the Arab world and Iran, has at least two basic dimensions: a policy, referred to the demonstration effect of the struggle against autocracy continuity, and other economic , associated with increasing oil prices is taking place for the insurgency in Libya, and the potential for instability in other oil-exporting countries such as Algeria or Iran and especially Saudi Arabia.

For the first dimension, politics, Chavez's regime has been unable to escape to the respective analogies, particularly with more than ever impresentable Gaddafi; "the Simón Bolívar of Libya", not long ago claimed as his colleague and comrade Miraflores. Commentators have not failed Venezuelan Venezuelan playing peek of the massive public revolt in Tunisia, Egypt, Bahrain and the land of Gaddafi. Perhaps a consideration risky, and not by the lack of despotism vernacular but is packaged by the ability of democracy.

In this regard, Mr Chavez had tried to put in sidewalk of transgressions, until it was time for the "brother Gaddafi" and head right off it so the speech is not out to break lances in their favor, as they have done so Fidel Castro and Daniel Ortega. And it is likely that the tone is not as exhilarating as when they were to give a replica of the sword of the Liberator.

But ominous political front is offset with a vengeance, against the economic impact auspiciousness. Nothing is more gratifying for the fiscal voracity of a system-dependent mono oil prices, they rise in international markets. And they are going through the uncertainty created by events Revolutionaries in North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula.
What is, at least in the short term, a sort of "bonanza bonanza", because if the neighborhood of 80 or 90 dollars per barrel represented a great contribution to the Venezuelan oil basket, the increase in full swing produces an estimated "windfall" or a windfall for the Treasury coffers Bolivarist tight. Variable helping to fill the lockers of the revolution, especially when beginning a new election season.

As Venezuela is not in the Mediterranean or the Persian Gulf but in the Caribbean Basin, the political crises in oil-producing countries of that region tend to benefit the fiscal expectations of our petro-state, and whether the "economic management" is in the hands of Giordani and company, perhaps the worst government economic team of the 192 States that make up the United Nations.

However, the tumble of satrapies happens in that part of the planet, it could have consequences on long-haul expansive geography, but close in despotic nature. Only the passage of time may confirm this, but instead and verifies that the price rise is a story that does not harm the sheik's continual drive to Venezuela.


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