BY: Marianela Salazar.
Chavez puts his beard soaked, Obama threatens to not think of acting in Venezuela and promote military action with the "handful" of allies, which have been labeled "terrorists" by the butcher Tripoli. Chavez does not stitch without thimble, knows very well that since 2005, when it signed agreements with Iran, including a strategic operating or depleted uranium mining, global intelligence agencies investigating whether Iran's nuclear reactors are fed with Venezuelan uranium, with which the autocrat Islam, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad could obliterate Israel, one of his obsessions fixed.
The issue has been discussing for some time in the national and international press, there is a subcommittee in the U.S. Senate investigated the alleged connection of uranium Iran-Venezuela. Last March, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in an interpellation in Congress threatened to Venezuela with an action against it if within the relationship with Iran violate international sanctions imposed by developing a peaceful nuclear program.
Chavez has been playing with fire, too much mystery in everything that involves Iran, beginning with the Iran Air flight 744 that covers the Tehran-Caracas route, whose passengers are not visible at the time of landing and, as to the load, it is subject to a special security operation. Also, the fire kept top secret office and sheds where the Iranians operate facilities Compañía Anónima Venezolana de Industrias Military Cavim in Maracay, on 30 January and which does not know the true causes that provoked it.
Chavez has been playing with fire, too much mystery in everything that involves Iran, beginning with the Iran Air flight 744 that covers the Tehran-Caracas route, whose passengers are not visible at the time of landing and, as to the load, it is subject to a special security operation. Also, the fire kept top secret office and sheds where the Iranians operate facilities Compañía Anónima Venezolana de Industrias Military Cavim in Maracay, on 30 January and which does not know the true causes that provoked it.
"Causes strange."
According to military sources, the fire burned Cavim the Iranian program of unmanned aerial vehicles (design, software, documents etc.) who was in the office have Iranians, as part of an agreement of military-technical cooperation with Tehran. The explosion disappeared several houses, two belonged to iranívenezolano project. One of the ten "drone" as is known in military slang drones, was totally lost, as well as hardware and software for its construction.
President Chavez blamed "foreign cases" the fire, which could be interpreted as internal sabotage the Iranian agreement. The incident delayed the project and while the Iranians are ready other "drone", have not been proven without revealing the secret.
Drones are small, lightweight and collapsible, flying a remote control, have a range of range of 200 kilometers, can carry missiles and bombs, powerful cameras and aerial photography and espionage. unmanned aerial vehicles are designed for aerial reconnaissance and bombing missions, especially considered to have the advantage of not being detected by radar. In August last year, President Ahmadinejad presented his first unmanned aircraft long range, is named "Karrar" which means "ambassador of death."
Tic tac
The Military Intelligence Directorate installed in the chamber National Assembly an electronic intelligence equipment recorded the conversations of opposition deputies and the messages they send and receive from their handsets and computers. They also monitor certain deputies.
The transmitter TX semiconductor laser with a wavelength range of 790-820 nanometría, has a duration of 50 hours of continuous ... tic tac
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